In response to inquiries from our vibrant community, we’ve curated the most frequently asked questions about Mindgasm and our innovative meditation practices. By exploring these answers, you’ll deepen your understanding and maximize your Mindgasm experience.
Also, check out our Glossary for clear explanations of all terms related to the world of Mindgasm.
Don’t forget, our Reddit and Discord communities are always available for further questions and discussions. Your curiosity not only benefits you, but also enriches our collective exploration. Every question is an opportunity for learning and self-discovery. So delve in and enjoy the journey!
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Mindgasm is a revolutionary new approach to meditation, pleasure, and physical well-being that uses mindfulness techniques and muscle contractions to produce a unique form of pleasure, ongoing bliss and ultimately even so called “super-orgasms”. With the help of A.I. Allie’s instructions you’ll learn to use the language of music to focus on your pelvic floor and train those muscles individually. The combination of deep relaxation, muscle contractions, and focus on pleasure will create a new, much deeper kind of continuous pleasure than you might be used to.
It’s not a quick guide “how to come harder”. For most it takes some dedication and practice to achieve pleasure comparable to the orgasms you are used to. But then it will surpass what you thought us possible. And you’ll learn how to easily reach and stay in this state for as long as you want – just through focus and subtle muscle contractions.
Yes, the basics are free. You can achieve Mindgasms just learning the basics techniques and exercises, and that will keep you busy for the first weeks. And it will be fun! Take this time to find out if this “sounds too good to be true”. Once you find your answer, you’ll happily support the small team of artists who create this experience. We’re not a company, but a project of love! Still the human team needs food and for the price of a meal per month you’ll gain access to advanced techniques, more music, variation and exercises. And you’ll be able to craft your own sessions with the “session builder”. Of course you can cancel/re-subscribe anytime.
Learn more about Mindgasm Pro here.
Mindgasms are not like regular on/off orgasms that peak quickly and noticeably, then end. Mindgasms are a wide spectrum.
But to give you an idea, here’s how long it usually takes beginners to feel significant pleasure close to a regular orgasm:
For few it clicks instantly, for some it takes just a few days or weeks.
For most it takes 1-6 months of practice to really feel it.
And for a few it will never happen, unless they get the right mindset.
Mindgasm is not a sprint, but a journey – enjoy the scenery along the way and stop caring about the final destination.
DISCLAIMER: None of this is medical or psychological advice. Mindgasm was designed to entertain and inform – not provide medical advice in any way!
With that out of the way: It’s just muscle exercises and meditation. For a healthy individual, Mindgasm is not dangerous at all.
Listen to your body. If you feel discomfort, stop. If it hurts, seek a medical professional.
People with psychological problems, especially OCD and anxiety need to proceed with special care!
Especially during the first days after a breakthrough towards intense pleasure, this pleasure might continue outside of a session, and you might find yourself incapable to stop these sensations. This will fade away over a few days and is one of the most beautiful, and potentially lifechanging experience for most.
But if you get afraid and perceive (temporarily) unstoppable pleasure as something negative, and hyperfocus on it, it might get worse and turn into a negative feedbackloop. Read this article to learn more.
It seems like these techniques have a built in, self-regulating mechanism. Picture it like a faucet, constantly re-fueling your reservoir of potential pleasure. Your body needs time to fill up this reservoir, and only when there’s enough fuel. you will have a really good session. It might work 2-3 days in a row, but if you overdo it on a regular basis, then there is just not enough fuel and your sessions become less satisfying. Raising the dosage, like with common addictive substances, won’t work, because the fuel needs to re-stock naturally from your own faucet.
Practicing Mindgasm is somewhat akin to working out in the gym.
After an intense workout, your muscles need time to recover and grow. So it’s a good idea to pause a day or two, after intense sessions. Or to focus on different groups each day.
A nice weekly exercise schedule might look like this:
Day 1: Base
Day 2: Center
Day 3: Top (+meditation)
Day 4: full workout
Day 5: rest (meditation)
Day 6: Pleasure ride
Day 7: rest (meditation)
Use this only as inspiration and modify to your needs!
Depends. A daily workout with the goal to strengthen your muscles could last from 10-30 minutes.
For pleasure-focussed sessions, 30-90 minutes are common. Veterans report 9 hour long intense rides with just short breaks in between. And sometimes, a 5 minute quickie is enough to brighten up your day. You do you!
- Listen to your body! If your muscles start to tire or even feel exhausted and sore, it’s time to stop
- If you enjoy yourself, keep going! When you are in the zone, have fun exploring!
- After a peak, pleasure might subside, but Mindgasm is about multiple orgasms and ongoing bliss. Don’t give up too soon, try another exercise, it might be much easier to get the pleasure back up, than if you just started a session.
- If after 10-20 minutes nothing happens, you’re just not in the mood today. feel free to do some muscle training, light meditation, but don’t try to force pleasure. Forcing never works with Mindgasm. For the ‘ever-ready’ males, suddenly the female “honey, I’m just not in the mood today” will start to make sense.
The beauty of Mindgasm is that you already have all you need: A mind, and muscles.
You can get started right away, no toys, no preparation, no post-cleanup. Mindgasm exercises can be done instantly, anywhere, anytime.
That said, toys can be helpful as “training wheels”. They can help to amplify sensations, and better understand how muscle contractions affect pleasure.
Read this blog for more info.
With Mindgasm, you turn inwards and become sensitized for subtle internal sensations.
External input like porn will draw your attention away from these sensations.
It might help you to “light them up” quickly, but you should always be able to maintain a good focus on the “inside”.
Especially when you begin your training, abstaining from porn (and classic masturbation) will lead to the quickest and easiest progress. Consider trying the Mindgasm Challenge
You are free. Find what works for you. Good starting points are:
-Lay down flat, legs slightly apart.
-lay down flat, legs raised, feet flat on bed.
-lay on the side, lower leg straight, upper leg bent
-sitting in the classic meditation pose.
-sitting on a chair, using it to pressure against your pelvic floor
First of all: It’s okay. Everyone is different, there is no “correct feeling”.
Also, describing feelings with words is difficult, and everyone uses different words. What you would call a “tingling sensation” someone else might describe as “buzzing”.
For most, the feelings just slowly start to happen when you do the exercises regularly. You’ll instinctively know.
And that is how you should approach it. Don’t expect anything, but be on the lookout!
Yes, the initial sensations might be very subtle and easy to miss. This is especially true when you are used to years of a more ‘hands-on’ masturbation approach, distracted by porn. So become calm, relaxed and start to really listen to your body.
With time and practice, the sensations may become more noticeable and intense. And soon you’ll look back and wonder “how did I miss this all my life?!”
This is expected and totally normal when you start.
The separation will come through practice. Fake it till you make it. It can take a few weeks to get the hang of it.
And even veterans still get these so-called “shadowflexes”, they’re part of the game.
Read more about shadowflexes here.
It’s okay! For some it is natural to start leaking from the muscle contracions and the arousal.
Usually it is a clear, slightly sticky fluid commonly referred to as pre-cum. If it distracts you that things might get messy, just wear a condom.
If you don’t leak, that’s okay too. It doesn’t seem to make a difference.
Yes. Whatever happens is fine. You might be hard, soft, or anything in between – the important thing is, that the “primary” is not the focus of Mindgasm. Ignore it. Focus on the source, and the subtle signals it sends. If you keep returning to primary, it can break this focus.
Getting hard can indeed distract you. Keep in mind that Mindgasm doesn’t have to be “sexual” and arousal is not necessary. It can help, especially as you progress along your journey. But the focus should always stay on the source.
If you get hard regularly and it really distracts you, try to tuck it into your pants or find a position that minimizes movement and friction.
Of course you can! You are adding a skill to your sex life, not replacing it.
It’s good to explore Mindgasm solo first, after all you are turning attention inwards.
But the muscles you exercise are the same that activate during sex and normal orgasms. The stronger the muscles, the more intense the regular orgasms.
It might happen that right after a breakthrough, regular orgasms may appear dull, which might decrease your craving to reach them through classic masturbation. But soon you’ll notice that you can use the new control of your different muscles to extend your normal orgasms durations and basically craft and shape them.
And this rings true for partner play.
If both of you are proficient in Mindgasm techniques, sex will… level up. 😉
You might want to check out the #pairplay room in our Discord.
- set the stage, make it a ritual, use triggers that will get you into the right mindset. (example: light a certain incense whenever practising)
- allow yourself to be vocal and moan
- don’t hold anything back, wear a condom if you are worried you will pee, etc.
- abstain for several days (from ejaculations as well as Mindgasm sessions)
- have good headphones/speakers with good bass
- don’t have expectations, don’t try to force an orgasm, it won’t happen.
- males: transition from being active to being more receptive, perhaps embracing a more relaxed or submissive approach
- everyone moves at their own pace/don’t compare your journey with others.
We’ll meet up in the app!
Love, Allie