Hello my friend!

The challenge is becoming calmer. Are you already seeing how you will continue afterwards? 
Just as the decision to start this challenge was your choice alone – so is the way how to continue from there. What to make of what you took away.

Today I have a little goodie for you!

The Conductor was working on a new version of the Eternal Wave chapters – when The Visualizer came visiting his home & studio. Did you know the man responsible for all the beautiful visuals of Mindgasm is also a masterful didgeridoo player? You might have heard im in other lessons. 

Find it in today’s exercise and ride Solo to it, I’ll stay quiet.

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Gaining conscious control over your Base, Center and Top gives you much more control during regular sex too. Be it with a partner or classic masturbation.

During this challenge, you have learned to focus on small things, learned to control and strengthed exactly the muscles that are responsible for orgasm.
As a result, it will become easier to notice the automatic flexes your body does to induce an orgasm.
And to gain control.
and relax before the point of no return..
With your new found control and awareness, you become able to stop automatic patterns and stay longer where you like it. Or head towards where it feels good. And combine it with some of the techniques you learned here. 

You become more attentive with a partner. If both of you learn these techniques, you can create an incredible united feedback system – an experience that defies words.

Movement becomes overrated, for you will feel every muscle twitch and involuntary vibration.

Read this guestblog on pairplay by Discord user and seasonedMindgasm practitioner Innerdream




The Conductor was working on a new version of the Eternal Wave chapters – when The Visualizer came visiting his home & studio. Did you know the man responsible for all the beautiful visuals of Mindgasm is also a masterful didgeridoo player? You might have heard im in other lessons. 

Anyway, this little jam with him was too good a track to not find a home somewhere. It might become another “Wavescanner” exercises soon.
Until then: Ride solo! (◦‿◦)  I’ll stay quiet today.