Hello my friend!
Tingles and subtle sensations at your sweetspot can be entry points for pleasure waves.
Catch a wave, ride it while it lasts, then rest and scan for the next wave to ride.
Did you join the shower challenge? Have you come to accept the situation as it is? Surrendering and becoming one with the flow. Switch into that mindset the moment you get on your board and ride the waves.
These waves happen with you or without you all the time. You need to catch them if you want a ride!
Don't chase - self-regulate
Once you learn how to consistently create pleasure, the question will become:
How often should I do this?
It’s easy to follow the dopamine.
This is what most experienced (solo) mindgasmers in the community seem to ‘settle down’ with:
A great ride every 3-6 days, when the Source calls for your attention. You’ll definitely feel it.
A long ride often culminates in a classic orgasm, which can be hands-free, with subtle stimulation, or fully manual. If it stays a one-time classic orgasm, your Source will stay active.
Then, it’s time to bask in the afterglow for 1-2 days and take a break. During that time, mini pleasure spikes randomly brighten up the day and increase in frequency and intensity, until you know that it’s time for a good session again.
Of course you can keep doing a little workout every 2-3 days to keep your muscles in shape.