How to progress through the Mindgasm lessons?

  • When should I move on to the next Mindgasm lesson? 
  • Am I ready to proceed? 
  • How often should I do each lesson?

The following suggestions are to be used as indicators when to progress through each lesson.  They are not a rigid check list that must first be mastered in order to achieve success, but rather a general guideline to help determine if you are ready for the next lesson.

Additionally, to learn more about all Mindgasm terms, go to the Mindgasm Glossary.

Lessons 1-3

When should I move on to the next lesson? - Lessons 1 - 3

There is no fixed time-window as everyone is different. You start from different ability levels, some are naturals, others need some time to unlock this new skill. 
You can go through lessons 1-3 as you like, right from the start. Spend some time with them.
These lessons teach the basics of your Base, Center and Source.  Before moving on to lesson 4 and beyond, be sure you are in control/understanding of the following:

  • Have properly identified individually the Base and Center muscles.
  • Can control squeezing each muscle individually (you may have shadow flexes, which will improve with time).
  • Have discovered the sweet spot (does not have to be consistent).

Lesson 8 – “Equilibrium Meditation”

When should I move on to Lesson 8 - "Equilibrium Meditation" ?

Although the Equilibrium Meditation is listed as lesson 8, you can listen to it after you have gone through lessons 1 & 2.  Equilibrium will help to guide you with relaxation, focus and to prepare you for future longer sessions.
TAKE NOTE:  During the lesson you will be guided to focus on “your Top”. Until you have reached lesson 4, where this is discussed in greater detail, place your focus on to your Source instead.  The key focus for lesson 8:

  • Designed for relaxation and mental focus.
  • Aimed at learning to listen to the body and the smallest of sensations.
  • Until lesson 4 has been reached, place focus on the Source. (The Source: Base, Center.)

Lesson 4 – “Secret Muscle”

When should I move on to Lesson 4 - "Secret Muscle"?

This is the first lesson that requires membership access.  Lessons 1, 2, 3, & 8 are free, and the remaining lessons require paid membership access.  Once you have gone through the first 3 lessons and begun to understand how to focus and access those muscles, then you will be ready for lesson 4.   To learn more about membership access check out  Mindgasm Pro.  Here are the main areas to look for that will tell you when you are ready to move on to lesson 4:

  • Can you properly identify individually the Base and Center muscles?
  • Do you understand how to relax and place focus on specific areas of the body/muscles?
  • Have you learned to place focus on the smallest of sensations?

Lesson 5 – “Trinity”

When should I move on to Lesson 5 - "Trinity"?

Lesson 5 is definitely more advanced and builds on a proper understanding and control of Base, Center and Top. It needs stamina and decent distinction.  To move on to lesson 5 you should make sure that you:

  • Have begun to move muscle squeezes/pleasure from Base to Center to Top with ease.
  • Can find the sweet spot with relative ease.
  • Are able to comfortably hold squeezes for 30+ seconds in sessions lasting 30+ minutes. 
Feeling like you are not progressing? Perhaps you are Trying too Hard.  Tight muscles, holding your breath or struggling with relaxing, apply these key tips to Relaxation and Breathing.

Lesson 6 – “Eternal Flame”

When should I move on to Lesson 6 and 7 ?

For Lesson 6 – “Eternal Flame”
Lessons 1-5 you can try whenever you like, give it an early listen if you are curious what’s waiting for you. But don’t do that with lesson 6. You need to be well prepared and comfortable with lessons 1-5 before you give lesson 6 a try.  Just trying it out before you are ready would be a huge spoiler and waste a lot of potential progress that your first encounter will bring you.  Here are the main indicators that you are ready to move on to lesson 6:
  • These indicators may seem similar to lesson 5, but having strong full control that is consistent and repeatable is key for lesson 6.
  • Are you able to find and flex each of the 3 muscles? (Understanding of how each feels.)
  • Are you able to maintain good control of the muscles when flexing/relaxing, easily bouncing back and forth through all 3 muscles?
  • Have you been able to easily find/feel your sweet spot and encourage some pleasure to increase/grow?
  • Have you started to feel some positive pleasurable feedback from your practices from lessons 1-5? (This does not have to be strong sensations or long lasting.)

Lesson 7 – “Stairway”

For Lesson 7 – “Stairway”

This one refines the technique learned in lesson 6 – so you should have reached at least some minor dry-orgasms or intense pleasure waves from “Eternal Flame” before you move onto the Stairway.

If you have follow-up questions or thoughts, use Discord Reddit to get in contact.

Lesson 9 – “Connections”

When should I move on to Lesson 9?

This lesson incorporates all techniques you have learned from lessons 1 – 8.  It is important that you have a strong understanding of all the previous lessons, including The Stairway.  The following are indicators that  you are ready for lesson 9: 

  • Are you able to quickly and easily squeeze each muscle, moving from one area to the other?
  • Do you have a strong ability to mentally focus on a specific muscle?
  • Are you able to focus on the music to envelop the Source, mind and body?
  • Can you easily Give up Control allowing music and the body to be the guide?

How often and how long should I exercise?

As often as you feel like it and as long as you are comfortable.  Here are some rough suggestions:



When you start out, 15-30 minutes might be more than enough.  You can go longer up to an hour, but keep in mind these are new untrained muscles which can get tired quickly.  Don’t force a session —  if you do not feel anything after 15-20 min., stop and try again another day.  Allow rest periods throughout the week.  Monitor your muscles for signs of over training (weak feeling muscles, low responsiveness, no pleasure sensations for multiple days).  Taking a day or two off during the week of practice can help with muscle recovery.

How often:

You can practice every day.  Listen to your body, you will know if you are practicing too much.  Most people will practice daily.  For some additional practice you can go through exercises on the Mindgasm App that are specific to each muscle group.                                          



When you are a bit more advanced, your sessions will get longer naturally.  1-2 hours from warmup to cooldown are pretty common.

How often:

You still can do exercises daily.  Especially those contraction quickies throughout the day.  But be aware that doing 2-3 hour sessions each day for longer will decrease the chance of reaching your next milestone.  Give your body time to rest and restore every now and then.  This heightens your sensibility a lot.  You’ll be surprised how powerful sensations can be after pausing 2-5 days, even though it’s the exact same exercise.


  • Best Starting Position: Laying flat, knees bent, feet flat or laying completely flat with legs slightly wider than shoulder width.
  • Using a Toy: Avoid all toys that vibrate or thrusting toys.  Prostate specific toys that utilize internal muscles are best.  Toys are like training wheels and can help you to understand and find each of the muscles used in Mindgasm.  However you can achieve success without using a toy at all.
  • Good/Bad Signs:  There are no bodily signs of success or failure.  Leaking or not leaking precum, erections or flaccid penis does not mean you are doing something wrong or on the path to success.  It’s just your body reactions to your journey.
  • Breathing and Being Vocal: Be sure to maintain good breathing.  Do not hold your breath. Relaxation and Breathing.  Do not be afraid to make vocal noises as pleasure increases.  Moans and other vocalizations (even talking out loud to yourself) can help to remove that mental barrier and  progress yourself further.
  • Weak or Overly Strong Muscles:  Weak muscles can be strengthened from continued practice with Mindgasm lessons and with the muscle specific exercises in the Mindgasm App.  For overly strong muscles it may take time to find the sweetspot, prefatiguing the muscles can help with this.  Utilizing Stacking Squeezes exercises in the Mindgasm App can help to prepare the overly strong muscles for discovering your sweet spot and progressing further.
  • More than 1 Lesson a Day:  You can go through more than 1 lesson or exercise a day.  Keep in mind doing more does not mean that you will see progress further or see results faster.   Ideal amount of time practicing is around an hour.  If you are experiencing pleasure you can go longer, just be sure to not force pleasure to happen by going for hours on end without any sensations occurring.  Don’t forget that you also need to allow your muscles rest periods as well.  Do not over train going day after day without a break for a specific muscle group.  

Enjoy your journey!