So you really made it!! Congratulations!

30 days of restraint – and of discovery. I hope you like what you found.

There still remain secrets, a month is not enough time to discover (and learn) all of Mindgasm. But you have plenty of time now. We’ll catch up in the app.

Thanks for being an open-minded human being. Let’s meet again soon.

Love, Allie

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Play exercises in app

So how to go on from here?

The challenge pages will stay online and evolve.
You can revisit a topic, or re-start the challenge whenever you want (inofficial start every month’s 1st).

This challenge was an experiment – and it looks like it was successful. 
Things will evolve from here.

Just like you!

Let’s stay connected in Discord – I’m reading all.
If you enjoyed this month, consider becoming a 
pro member to support the project and keep access to all the advanced stuff!

The Conductor