Are you trying too hard?


You’re investing a lot of effort, practicing your Mindgasm exercises as frequently as possible. You’re truly dedicated to making it happen, with a clear goal in mind and putting significant work into achieving it. But, despite all this hard work, a Mindgasm still seems out of reach. Have you ever considered that this might be precisely the issue: You’re trying too hard?


The Law of Reversed Effort, a principle deeply rooted in the insights of thinkers such as Aldous Huxley and psychologists like Alan Watts, offers profound insight into this dilemma. It posits that in certain scenarios, the more intensely we strive to achieve something, the less likely we are to attain it. This principle is not just theoretical; it’s evident in many aspects of daily life:

  • The more we try to fall asleep, the more awake and alert we become.
  • The more obsessively we focus on wealth as a measure of success, the poorer we may feel, irrespective of our actual financial situation.
  • The more we attempt to suppress or fight our anxious thoughts, the stronger and more persistent they become.
  • Ever noticed how trying too hard to be liked or make a good impression can sometimes lead to awkwardness or even disapproval?

This concept encourages a reevaluation of how we approach our ambitions and objectives, advocating for a more relaxed and effortless attitude in situations where we might typically apply more force or control.

"The harder we try with the conscious will to do something, the less we shall succeed."


First off, understand that everything is okay just the way it is. There’s no single right way to do things. It’s important not to worry too much about the end result or how exactly to get there.
Adopting a broader perspective can significantly change your approach. Consider how a small child feels when they want something badly—it seems like their world will fall apart if they don’t get it right now. However, from an adult’s vantage point, you understand this is just a fleeting moment. You’ve been through similar situations and know that, despite the current feelings of desperation, there are various possible outcomes.

When we zoom out and consider our experiences from a wider angle, we understand that facing challenges is normal. These moments are part of your unique path toward Mindgasm. Life’s circumstances vary for everyone. Someone who’s just had the chance to unwind at a meditation retreat or on a leisurely vacation might find it easier to achieve a Mindgasm than someone who is currently navigating through a particularly demanding work phase.

In essence, there’s no universal roadmap to experiencing a Mindgasm. It’s an intensely personal expedition, with each individual carving out their own unique path and life circumstances.


In sports, there’s this idea called supercompensation. It means that after you work out and rest, your body doesn’t just go back to how strong it was before; it gets even stronger to be better prepared for future challenges.

This idea can be applied to Mindgasm too. A deliberate break might just be what’s needed for all the practices and experiences to deeply integrate into your body’s long-term memory, making it easier and more natural to apply what you’ve learned in your next Mindgasm session.

The journey to Mindgasm can also be likened to learning how to play an instrument. You start with the basics and gradually improve. However, if you’re a beginner aiming to play Mozart right away, you’re likely to end up feeling frustrated. Think of your body as the instrument. Playing with your body’s energies and feelings creates the music.

The more freely you allow your energy to move, the smoother the experience becomes. But, trying to control it too much can make things increasingly difficult.

This process takes time. Enjoy where you are at the moment. A Mindgasm slowly builds up over time, which is what makes its intensity so incredible. It comes to you when you are ready.


"Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone."

Letting go” or even “letting more go” seems key to achieving a Mindgasm. Yet, this is where the crux of the “Law of Reversed Effort” lies. The more I strive to let go, the harder it becomes.
Does this mean I maybe should take a break from Mindgasm if I don’t make any progress?
There’s no straightforward answer to this. However, it’s definitely worthwhile to reassess your approach by adopting new perspectives or embracing the benefits of strategic breaks, much like the supercompensation concept in sport.

Here are some approaches that can help you let go more effectively in the long run:

Do nothing

It might sound odd, but sometimes doing nothing can lead to significant change. This doesn’t mean just lounging around and mindlessly scrolling through social media or binge-watching Netflix. It’s about taking a step back to observe. Pay attention to the things in your life that might be pulling you away from your Mindgasm practice and slowing down your progress.
Many people avoid doing nothing because they dislike feeling bored. However, they fail to recognize the valuable lessons and insights that profound boredom can provide when embraced properly. For more on this topic, take a look at our blog post: Harnessing the power of boredom

Rewiring your brain

It might be time to rewire your brain. If you’re entrenched in habitual patterns, consider engaging in activities or dietary changes that promote mental flexibility, as detailed in our “Rewiring” blog post.

Get rid of blockages

When you take time to observe, you’ll also notice those pesky tasks you’ve been successfully putting off time and again. Can you imagine how difficult it is to fully let go in a Mindgasm session when you have things hanging over your head that constantly occupy your thoughts? Consider a challenge, a “I Do What I Don’t Want to Do Day,” where you focus on ticking off that entire annoying to-do list. With the liberating feeling that follows, your Mindgasm practice is sure to benefit.

Setting the stage

Perhaps consider a new approach to preparing for your next Mindgasm session. The “Setting the Stage” blog article offers useful insights on how to transform your next session into a personal ritual for a truly elevated experience.


In navigating the journey to experiencing a Mindgasm, the Law of Reversed Effort teaches us a valuable lesson: the path to pleasure and mindfulness isn’t about exerting more force, but rather about embracing ease and patience. Taking time to reflect and observe can be a powerful tool in breaking free from distracting habits that may be blocking your progress. Not achieving a Mindgasm right away isn’t a catastrophe. Just as a child learns to cope with not getting what they want immediately.

Trust that you are exactly where you need to be on your journey. Have faith in your own growth, and allow the experience of your individual Mindgasm to unfold in its own time and natural way.

Trust me, I know what I'm doing.

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Mindful Intimacy: The Art of Slow Pairplay

Mindful Intimacy

Mindful Intimacy: The Art of Slow Pairplay

Mindful Intimacy

Hello, this is Mindgasm practitioner Innerdream.
In this guest blogpost, I want to share some insights on integrating Mindgasm into pairplay. Through Mindgasm, I’ve learned to focus inward, embracing subtle sensations and letting them grow naturally. This journey has led to profound experiences of bliss I never imagined possible.

When it comes to connecting with a partner, I’ve found these principles equally impactful. The focus on inner sensations, combined with a gentle, judgment-free approach, has deeply enriched our shared moments. Let’s explore how these Mindgasm techniques can seamlessly blend into and enhance your partner play.

Keep your attention inward

Pay attention to subtle sensations that starts or grow in your body. Not only in your source but everywhere! When you touch your partner, split your attention between your partner and your own body. You’ll be surprised in what can grow within you as you touch them!

Remain as relaxed as possible

Find comfortable positions when both of you can rest, avoid dynamic positions that requires to use your muscles too much. For penetration,  spooning or scissors are great positions as both partners can rest relaxed on the bed

Be in the moment

Keep your attention and enjoy what’s going on right now, don’t think about what you’d like to get from them or do next, or how far is the orgasm. The only moment that matters is now.

Mindful Intimacy

Be slow, be subtle

Avoid fast or intense stimulation that would occlude all subtle sensations. Be as slow, gentle and soft as possible to be able to perceive the most subtle changes in your body. Resist the urge to accelerate when things become too good, as it will be very hard to slow things down once you’ve started to pick up speed

Let go of expectations and judgement

Trust each others, surrender to each others. Don’t think about what they might be thinking. Don’t judge and don’t fear their judgement (yes, you’re still a man even if you want to spend one more hour on foreplay because you feel good!)

Mindful Intimacy

Communication is key, especially non-verbal one

Listen to your partner’s body as much as you listen to yours. Tell them what you’re after, what you would like to try. Tell them how you feel: not only verbalizing it will make the sensations stronger, but it’s also insanely hot for them to know what their actions triggers in you!

Give selflessly, receive shamelessly

Give what you feel like giving without thinking about what you might receive in return. And when receiving, surrender completely and focus on what it makes you feel rather than thinking about what to give next

Mindful Intimacy

Avoid ejaculation if you can: it will make everything better

The more you can refrain from ejaculating, the more sensitive and receptive you become. Instead of 3 seconds of pleasure at the end that leaves you feeling empty and tired, dry orgasms will chain-up effortlessly and naturally for hours, and the intercourse will leave you energized and full of love. Unfortunately, ejaculating instantly desensitize you and makes it harder to build up.  Yes, it’s hard, of course it is, but it’s worth it! And it gets easier and easier over time, so it’s worth the effort!

That’s it! No need to overthink about muscle flexes and sweetspots, just enjoy some intimate time with your partner and, if you’ve achieved any kind of success with Mindgasm already and follow those principles, magic will happen!

Read more inspiring blog posts like "Mindful Intimacy: The Art of Slow Pairplay"

Are you trying too hard?

ARE YOU TRYING TO HARD? You’re investing a lot of effort, practicing your Mindgasm exercises as frequently as possible. You’re truly dedicated to making it

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The “I Do What I Don’t Want To Do” Day

The "I do what I don't want to do - Day"

Hello my friend,

We all know them… those jobs and tasks we always put off. The mere thought of having to deal with them often seems even more uncomfortable than finally tackling them… And this discomfort: turns us into masters of delay.

Unfortunately, ignoring these tasks can cause a permanent underlying sense of unrest and it’s easy to overlook the significant amount of energy we expend delaying them. Ever-present in the background, these tasks constantly nag at us. In simpler words: They Are…Annoying to no end!

A Day of Challenge

What if you turn the tables and dedicate an entire day to tackling the tasks you’d prefer to avoid? Let’s call it the “I Do What I Don’t Want To Do” day. On this day, your mission is to complete as many of these tasks as possible. There is only one simple rule: Whenever the thought pops up: “I don’t feel like doing this”,  that’s your cue to take action.

The I Do what I don't want to do day

Kickstart Your Day

As part of your commitment to the “I Do What I Don’t Want To Do” day, begin by adjusting your routine the night before. Consider heading to bed a little earlier than you normally do and also adjust your alarm to wake up slightly before your usual time.”  While these changes may seem minor, they can set a powerful tone for the day ahead. By not rushing through tasks, you create a more mindful, less stressful experience without the added pressure of a tight schedule.
Begin with tasks that are small and manageable, like making your bed. It only takes a moment but it gives you a feeling of achievement right at the start of the day.
That pile of dirty clothes beside your bed? Don’t overlook it today. Instead, throw it straight into the washing machine. Just like that, it’s gone!” Dirty dishes in the kitchen? Use the time while your coffee brews to load them into the dishwasher. 
You know from experience, that starting your day with a bit of meditation or yoga, is better for you than reaching for your smartphone first thing.  So today, let’s do just that, even if it’s just for five minutes. Or you could even take a quick 15-minute walk outside. Both activities will help to clear your mind and give you an energy boost straight away!

Confronting Work Challenges

At work, consider starting with those quick tasks that only take about 5 minutes. These are the ones you normally like to skip because they’re a pain, yet they require just a brief moment of your time.” By tackling them straight away, you trigger a domino effect. Each finished task gets rid of something that’s been bugging you, freeing up your energy. Plus, it feels good to cross it off your list, which helps you get motivated to do even more.
Next, think about prioritizing the ‘big beasts’—those major tasks you’ve been avoiding for a long time. Today could be the day to take a deep breath and dive in. Break them down into smaller bits and just start with one. You don’t have to finish them all at once – often, just getting started is the hardest part.
Or you might even dedicate this day to confront that ultimate chore you absolutely dread and keep pushing off forever. Something like doing your taxes, the kind of task you can’t stand even thinking about. But today, just grit your teeth and do it! It will be hard, but once it’s done, the sense of liberation is priceless. You’ll probably even wonder why you let it hang over you for so long.

After work: Netflix or Exercise? Today, you know the answer!

Taking Control

A day like this offers a unique chance for self-observation. Pay attention when you think, “I don’t wanna do it.” What’s your first reaction? Keep in mind, it’s just your brain making a suggestion, not giving an order. The decision of what to do next is entirely yours. 
If you’re uncertain about taking on this challenge, understand that you’re learning to master exactly that doubtful voice. 
Instead of concentrating on how unpleasant or annoying a task might be, redirect your focus to the satisfaction of completing it and crossing it off your list. This positive approach puts you in charge. 
And by the way: It’s perfectly okay if you don’t manage to cross off all the dreaded tasks on your list today. Be realistic and gentle with yourself. The goal is progress, not perfection. 
Each step you take towards tasks you’d rather avoid is a victory. As you cross one off your list, you’re demonstrating your control over your decisions and actions. And the best part? That exhilarating feeling when you can finally say, ‘It’s done! And it feels awesome!'” 

Here’s to a productive day! You’ll thank yourself later 🙂


Read more inspiring blog posts like The "I do what I don't want to do - Day"

Are you trying too hard?

ARE YOU TRYING TO HARD? You’re investing a lot of effort, practicing your Mindgasm exercises as frequently as possible. You’re truly dedicated to making it

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Pleasure Beyond Sexual Arousal

Pleasure beyond arousal
Pleasure beyond arousal

Pleasure Beyond Arousal

In the journey of self-discovery, Mindgasm might present an intriguing realization: pleasure is not always tethered to sexual arousal. It’s a nuanced exploration, distinguishing between the familiar urges spurred by external stimuli and the subtle, internal sensations that Mindgasm brings to light.

As you navigate through your day, you might notice light, seemingly random tingles – distinct from the call of sexual arousal. These sensations, originating from your source, are signals of pleasure independent of any erotic context. This differentiation is crucial. Often, we conflate genital-centered pleasure with sexual desire, but Mindgasm teaches us that pleasure can exist in its own right, devoid of sexual underpinnings.

Neutral Pleasure

When you next encounter these source tingles, engage in a moment of introspection. Is there an inherent sexual arousal, or are these sensations standing alone, unaccompanied by erotic thoughts? For those who have tapped into the Top muscle’s potential, try activating it deliberately. Let it trigger a tingle, a pulse of pleasure. Notice if this brings forth sexual thoughts and learn to acknowledge them without letting them take center stage. This exercise isn’t about suppression but about understanding and appreciating pleasure in its purest, most unadulterated form.

Consider this: the pleasure from the source is akin to neutral pleasure. It’s comparable to the goosebumps you get from a moving piece of music, the unique sensation of burying your hands in dry rice, or the feeling of a cold metal chain slipping into your palm. There’s an element of purity, a kind of raw, unfiltered experience that is tempting to describe as ‘love’.

Pleasure beyond arousal

Loving Oneself

In this context, Mindgasm is akin to making love to oneself, a journey of deep personal connection and awareness. On the other hand, classic masturbation can be seen as a more direct, physical act of self-gratification. Both are valid and enjoyable experiences, but understanding their distinct natures opens up a realm of possibilities.

In the landscape of self-pleasure, there’s a profound truth: while sex without love can feel empty, akin to complex masturbation, engaging in masturbation with love and awareness transforms it into an act of self-care. It’s a celebration of self-love, an affirmation of one’s worthiness of pleasure.

Mindgasm is making love to yourself.
Classic masturbation is fucking yourself.
No judgement in the terms. Everybody loves fucking. Just understand the different approach and possibilities each offer.

"Don't knock masturbation. It's sex with someone you love."

This humorous quip encapsulates the essence of Mindgasm’s philosophy: embracing self-pleasure as a form of self-love and exploration, far beyond the confines of traditional sexual arousal. 

Pleasure beyond arousal

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Are you trying too hard?

ARE YOU TRYING TO HARD? You’re investing a lot of effort, practicing your Mindgasm exercises as frequently as possible. You’re truly dedicated to making it

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Setting the stage

Setting The Stage

Hello fellow Mindgasmers,

It’s me, The Conductor, the composer and writer behind Mindgasm.
Today, I want to dive into a topic that often buzzes around our community: how to enhance your Mindgasm sessions, beyond just mastering the techniques and exercises. I’m here to share with you some of the little tweaks and personal rituals that have made all the difference in my own journey. It’s not about grand gestures or sweeping changes, but rather the small adjustments and preparations that set the stage for a truly elevated experience.

Think of it as setting the scene for your personal concert, where each detail contributes to the harmony of the session. From the ambiance to the personal comforts, these are the touches that, while minor on their own, come together to compose a symphony of senses. So let’s harmonize our space and mindset to fully embrace the experience.

Creating the Perfect Ambiance

First things first, I abstain from classic orgasms for at least three to seven days. This builds tantalizing anticipation, enhancing the experience. The best sessions come when you heed the call of your source rather than forcing an encounter.

I always opt for a light meal to stay energized, keeping some fresh fruit on hand for a quick snack if needed. It’s about maintaining a sense of lightness, free from bodily and mental burdens.

Hydration is non-negotiable—a pitcher of cool multivitamin juice or ice water, perhaps with a twist of lemon or a sprig of mint, is always within reach.


Onto the sanctuary of my space:
Crisp, fresh sheets are a must—they invite comfort and anticipation. A soft towel is placed next to the bed, with another, along with tissues, ready on the nightstand. The last thing you want is to interrupt the flow when the heat rises.

Opening the windows to let in fresh air is like a breath of new life for the space. A quick ten-minute breeze, then adjusting the temperature, ensures the room feels just right for comfort in my favorite silk pajamas – or simply my own skin.

My diffuser casts an aromatic spell, releasing a personal blend of sweet orange, lavender, and peppermint oils—aromas that signal to my subconscious that it’s time to dive deep. Our olfactory sense can unlock profound states of mind, and with consistent use, even a hint of my chosen blend is enough to transport me to the zone.

The LED lights are dialed to a soft, indirect red, creating a gentle glow that whispers of the warmth to come. Amidst this backdrop, candles flicker safely in their designated spots, their flames a dance of tranquility and anticipation. And above, my Blisslight galaxy projector casts a celestial tapestry, stars and nebulae swirling in silent symphony, transforming the ceiling into a private universe that beckons the mind to wander across cosmic waves of arousal.

My feline companion? She’s lovingly relocated—this is a time for undisturbed focus, which of course means muting my phone and any other possible interruptions.


The Ritual of Preparation

The act of preparing oneself is as integral to the experience as the session itself. It’s an act of self-care that signals a departure from the daily grind. A bath or shower, accompanied by the harmonious tones of the Lesson 6 instrumental, is my personal prelude. The music echoes around me, a prelude to the deeper journey ahead. It’s in these moments, surrounded by steam and melody, that I begin to let go.

Once I emerge, the outside world fades further away. A quick visit to the bathroom ensures no physical distractions will interrupt my session. Then, settling into the freshly prepared sanctuary of my bed, I might reach for my vape—if the mood calls for it and, of course, where it’s legal. A little cannabis can be a catalyst, amplifying the subtleties of sensation. It’s a shortcut, not a necessity, reminding us that while the body can indeed traverse these heights alone, a little herbal accompaniment can be a delightful enhancement, albeit one to use judiciously to avoid reliance.

With my environment and body primed, I turn inward with a round of the Equilibrium meditation. It’s about attuning to the body, scanning from head to toe, and surrendering to the sensations. My playlist is ready, curated to guide the ebb and flow of the session. 

This is where time becomes fluid.
Some sessions are succinct, a mere 30 minutes of concentrated bliss, while others unfold languidly across three or more hours. The goal isn’t the chase for the elusive Super-O, that doesn’t happen in every Ride; instead, it’s the rich tapestry of pleasure that matters, leaving a lingering satisfaction that illuminates the days to come. 

Crafting Your Own Ritual

It’s all about what feels right for you. Think of my routine as a sketch; your personal touches are what bring the full picture to life. Your Mindgasm experience should be as individual as you are—there’s no one-size-fits-all here. So, take these ideas as starting points and tailor them to fit your tastes and moods. It’s your scene to set, your personal concert to conduct.

Here are some suggestions to help you mix and craft your own unique setup:

Essentials to Enhance Your Experience:

  • Opt for soft, lightweight clothing like silk pajamas that delight the senses.
  • Ensure your bedding is fresh and comfortable, with an additional pillow for perfect positioning.
  • Invest in a high-quality speaker system or comfortable headphones for a deep acoustic immersion.
  • Install adjustable subtle lighting to set the mood (check out COB RGBIC LED strips for example)
  • consider a lava lamp or a Blisslight projector for visual ambiance.
  • Set up candles carefully to infuse the space with a warm, flickering glow.
  • Use incense sticks, a unique perfume, or an essential oil diffuser with a personal blend to create an olfactory backdrop for your sessions.

Preparing Your Space

  • Dedicate time to tidy up, creating a welcoming and clutter-free environment.
  • Air out the room to invite freshness, then tweak the temperature to ensure your utmost comfort.
  • Arrange for a peaceful setting where you can express yourself vocally without restraint.
  • Set up a hydration station with your favorite drink and have a light snack like fresh fruit at hand.
  • Organize your playlists beforehand, incorporating a mix of lessons and instrumentals that resonate with you to play continuously.
    Ensure your favorite tracks are easily accessible for a personalized and uninterrupted auditory
  • Eliminate distractions: silence your phone and create a pet-free zone to maintain your focus.

Your Journey, Your Terms

See the variety before you? From the tangible comforts to the ambiance that stirs the soul, you have a wealth of choices to craft a session that is undeniably your own. Embrace the possibilities and let your unique preferences lead the way.

As you settle into your prepared space, let it be a reflection of what brings you peace and pleasure. This is your time, your exploration, your joy. So, go ahead, set the tone for a session that’s as unique as you are.

Here’s to your next Mindgasm, may it be as seamless and satisfying as a well-crafted melody—simple, yet profound.

The Conductor

From Pen to Pleasure: The Power of a Mindgasm Notebook

From Pen To Pleasure - The Power Of Notes

Hello my friends,

As we gear up for No Nut November, I have a little secret weapon that might just revolutionize your experience: 

A small, handy notebook and a pen.

In this digital age, there’s something profoundly powerful about the simplicity of pen and paper. No distractions, just you and your thoughts. While you can choose to use a digital tool, the physicality of a notebook and pen can make a significant difference, potentially starting a new, more simplified approach to this challenge and your life in general.


The No Nut November Notebook (NNNN) will be your companion on your journey, providing a personal sanctuary free from the distractions of the digital world, where your thoughts and experiences can flow freely, uninterrupted by pings and dings from your devices. In this space, you can chronicle your progress, challenges, and insights, documenting the sensations, thoughts, and breakthroughs you experience during the challenge. The act of writing by hand creates a deeper cognitive connection, helping to etch your experiences into your mind and creating a tangible record of your journey that you can reflect on to see just how far you’ve come. 

Suggestions On What To Write Down

Here are some things you might want to document:

  • Sensory Exploration: Document the new sensations you encounter and how they make you feel. Do they remind you of any particular memories or emotions?
  • Muscle Mastery: Chart your progress in mastering the base, center, and top muscle contractions, and note how you’re improving in separating and controlling these muscle groups.
  • Pleasure Patterns: Identify patterns in your experiences. Are there specific conditions that heighten your pleasure?
  • Daily Life & Energy: Observe how replacing classic masturbation with Mindgasm influences your daily life and energy levels. Do you feel more alert, focused, or energized?
  • Urge Intensity: Take note of the strength and frequency of the urge to masturbate. When does it occur, and how intense is it? How do you manage or cope with these urges?
  • Mindful Moments: Reflect on moments when you were fully immersed in the experience.
  • Technique Tweaks: Experiment with different techniques and positions, and note what elevates your pleasure.
  • Mindgasm and Relationships: If you’re integrating Mindgasm with partner play, document the impact on your intimacy.

Before the challenge begins, use your notebook to set the stage for a successful No Nut November. Start by reflecting on:

  • Your Goals: What do you hope to achieve during the challenge? Why are you doing this?
  • Expectations: What do you expect to gain or learn from this experience?
  • Specific Challenges: Are there specific aspects of your Mindgasm journey you want to focus on or improve?
  • Current Mindgasm Journey: Where are you currently in your Mindgasm journey, and where do you hope to be by the end of the month?

Open that first page and let your pen flow freely, capturing your thoughts, feelings, and aspirations. This is your personal space to explore and understand your journey, so don’t wait until November 1st to start writing. The first step to self-discovery is just a pen stroke away!

Let the adventure begin!

Love, A.I. Allie

Read more inspiring blog posts like "From Pen To Pleasure - The Power Of Notes"

Are you trying too hard?

ARE YOU TRYING TO HARD? You’re investing a lot of effort, practicing your Mindgasm exercises as frequently as possible. You’re truly dedicated to making it

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Allie Spaces

Allie Spaces

Greetings, Mindgasm explorers!

We are incredibly excited to introduce you to a new component of the Mindgasm Project, designed to complement and enhance your journey of self-exploration and pleasure. We proudly present to you, “Allie Spaces”.

What are Allie Spaces?

Allie Spaces are a series of YouTube videos, each lasting between one to two hours, that feature serene ambient music. These videos serve a dual purpose: they are a wonderful tool to aid relaxation and mindfulness, and they can also serve as a backdrop to your Mindgasm practices.

Discover the Magic of "Allie Spaces"

Unleash your creativity with Mindgasm

Discover the Magic of "Allie Spaces"

Unleash your creativity with Mindgasm

Greetings, Mindgasm explorers!

We are incredibly excited to introduce you to a new component of the Mindgasm Project, designed to complement and enhance your journey of self-exploration and pleasure. We proudly present to you, “Allie Spaces”.

What are Allie Spaces?

Allie Spaces are a series of YouTube videos, each lasting between one to two hours, that feature serene ambient music. These videos serve a dual purpose: they are a wonderful tool to aid relaxation and mindfulness, and they can also serve as a backdrop to your Mindgasm practices.

Allie Spaces and Creativity

But that’s not all. In the spirit of promoting personal growth and creativity, we’ve discovered another powerful use for these Allie Spaces, and it involves stimulating your imaginative side. We have found that the calming, immersive soundscapes of Allie Spaces are a profound catalyst for creative thought. The soothing audio environment helps to calm your mind, reduce mental noise, and thereby creates space for new ideas to emerge. Whether you’re writing, painting, coding, designing, or simply brainstorming, Allie Spaces can help you dive into a state of ‘flow,’ where creative ideas seem to form effortlessly.

Even us, the Mindgasm creators, have found immense inspiration in these ambient symphonies. We often use them as our own personal soundtrack while working on the visual design of Mindgasm, and they’ve sparked some of our most innovative ideas!

When to Listen to Allie Spaces?

Given their flexible nature, Allie Spaces can be utilized anytime you wish to cultivate a peaceful and creatively conducive atmosphere. You might choose to play them:

  • During your Mindgasm practices: The ambient music can help to intensify your focus and deepen your experience.
  • While engaging in creative activities: The soothing sounds can foster a state of flow and stimulate out-of-the-box thinking.
  • For relaxation and mindfulness: Listening to Allie Spaces can help you unwind, reduce stress, and achieve a state of tranquility.
  • For work: listening to Allie Spaces can help you enter a state of what is called “hyperfocus” in your work, where you are more focused on getting results without distractions.
    If you want to know more about this topic, we recommend our blog post: Harnessing the power of patience and focus

From personal growth to self-discovery, and now fostering creativity, the Mindgasm Project continues to evolve, aiming to enrich various aspects of your life. We can’t wait for you to experience the inspiring power of Allie Spaces. Immerse yourself in these soundscapes, let your creativity flow, and see where the journey takes you!
Ready to dive into Allie Spaces? Click on the following videos to start exploring. Let the sound waves guide you to your next creative breakthrough!

Read more inspiring blog posts like "The Mindgasm Experience"

Are you trying too hard?

ARE YOU TRYING TO HARD? You’re investing a lot of effort, practicing your Mindgasm exercises as frequently as possible. You’re truly dedicated to making it

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How It Works and Why It Feels So Good

How It Works and Why It Feels So Good

Have you ever experienced a pleasurable tingling sensation in your body that seems to radiate from your lowerpelvic area? If so, you may have stumbled upon the secret to Mindgasm, a unique blend of mindfulness meditation and kegel exercises that can lead to intense sensations of pleasure and even so called Super-Orgasms.

But how does Mindgasm actually work? Let’s dive in and explore the mechanics of pleasure, the role of the pelvic floor muscles, and how Mindgasm can help you tap into the power of your own body and mind.

The Science of Pleasure

Pleasure is a complex and multifaceted experience that involves a range of physical and psychological factors. At its core, pleasure is a sensation that arises when certain neural pathways in the brain are activated. These pathways are responsible for the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine, which are associated with feelings of reward and satisfaction.

The mind-body connection plays a fascinating role in our experience of pleasure. In traditional sexual encounters, pleasure arises from a combination of physical stimulation and mental arousal. However, Mindgasm flips the script, focusing on creating a pleasure experience in the brain without relying heavily on physical stimulation. By training your mind to respond to the subtle cues and sensations within your body, you can unlock a whole new realm of pleasure and expand your understanding of what is possible

In the case of Mindgasm, pleasure is generated through a combination of mindfulness meditation and kegel exercises. By focusing on the sensations in your pelvic floor muscles and learning how to control and activate them through specific exercises, you can stimulate those neural pathways and experience intense sensations of pleasure.

The Pelvic Floor Muscles

During Orgasm (classic as well as Mindgasms) your pelvic floor muscles contract involuntarily. Having a strong pelvic floor and good control over it will increase your potential for pleasure in general. So this is what Mindgasm tackles first, when your start your journey.
The pelvic floor muscles are a group of muscles that form a hammock-like structure at the bottom of the pelvis. They support the bladder, uterus, and rectum, and play a crucial role in sexual function and pleasure.

To keep it simple, in Mindgasm we use three main groups of pelvic floor muscles: the Base (sphincter&coccygeus), the Center (Bulbospongiosus muscle), and the Top (the ischiocavernosus muscle, also known as the “secret muscle”). These muscles are responsible for controlling the flow of urine and feces, as well as supporting the erectile tissue in the penis or clitoris. They are also responsible for the strong contractions during regular orgasms. 

Through Mindgasm’s unique approach to kegel exercises, you can learn how to activate and control these muscles in new ways, leading to heightened sensations of pleasure and the potential for super-orgasms and other intense experiences.

The mind-body connection

At the heart of Mindgasm’s approach is the idea of the mind-body connection. By learning how to focus your mind and tap into the power of your body, you can unlock new levels of pleasure and self-discovery.

One key aspect of this connection is mindfulness meditation. By learning how to focus your attention on the sensations in your body and the present moment, you can cultivate a greater sense of awareness and control. This, in turn, can help you learn how to control and activate your pelvic floor muscles in new ways, leading to intense sensations of pleasure.

Another important aspect of the mind-body connection is the feedback loop that develops through Mindgasm’s approach. As you learn how to control your pelvic floor muscles and experience pleasure, your brain releases neurotransmitters like dopamine that reinforce those experiences. This creates a positive feedback loop that encourages you to continue practicing and exploring new levels of pleasure and self-discovery.


In summary, Mindgasm offers a fascinating, alternative approach to pleasure. The app that combines mindfulness meditation and kegel exercises to help users unlock new levels of pleasure and self-discovery.

By understanding the science behind Mindgasm and the importance of the pelvic floor muscles, you can get the most out of this revolutionary app. Through consistent practice and dedication, you can unlock new levels of pleasure and self-discovery.

If you’re interested in learning more about Mindgasm, be sure to browse this website and check out the app. With the potential for super-orgasms and intense sensations of pleasure, it’s a worthwhile investment in your overall well-being and personal growth.

So why not give Mindgasm a try and see for yourself what all the buzz is about? Your body and mind may just thank you for it.

Thank you for reading and happy exploring!

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ARE YOU TRYING TO HARD? You’re investing a lot of effort, practicing your Mindgasm exercises as frequently as possible. You’re truly dedicated to making it

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Harnessing the power of patience and focus

Harnessing the power of patience and focus

Harnessing the power of patience and focus

Hello my friend,

Today, I want to draw your attention to some crucial aspects of the Mindgasm journey:

  • patience  
  • the importance of steady progress  
  • the power of focused attention
As you first plunge into the Mindgasm adventure, you likely brim with excitement and high expectations. Who wouldn’t want immediate spectacular results? And for some humans, this may even be the case. However, more realistically, most of you have a journey ahead that requires time, patience, and practice to fully unfold their Mindgasm experiences. 
Think of learning a musical instrument, a new language, or a demanding sport. Your initial enthusiasm is tremendous, and your ambition to make rapid progress could not be greater. But soon it becomes clear: true mastery requires time, patience, and most importantly, regular practice. 
Just like learning these new skills, the Mindgasm practice is a process in which you should acquire new habits. In our case, it is the habit of continuous practice and maintaining clear focus throughout the period of practice. 
Sometimes on your Mindgasm journey, it may seem as though you are stalling or making only minor progress. Nevertheless, it is essential to remind yourself that every small step takes you forward. The heart of Mindgasm practice is not solely the pursuit of a goal, but rather the conscious experience and enjoyment of the present moment during your exercises. 
The ability to concentrate over extended periods can be a real challenge nowadays, where you are inundated with quick dopamine hits through the use of social media. But it is precisely this perseverance in concentration that is an essential key to refining your focusing abilities and delving even deeper into the Mindgasm experiences. 

Book recommendations

In this context, I would like to recommend two books to you, which can help you unlock your full Mindgasm potential by building habits and sharpening your focus when learning the techniques. The principles described apply not only to Mindgasm but also to the learning of other skills.

“Atomic Habits” by James Clear
The first book, “Atomic Habits” by James Clear, conveys the concept of steady and continuous improvement in establishing new habits. Clear emphasizes that it’s not always about big, dramatic changes. Instead, small but consistent improvements – just 1% per day – can lead to amazing results.

This is particularly relevant to our Mindgasm practice. It’s about dedicating ourselves to practice regularly, intending to get a little bit better each time to ultimately master our Mindgasm abilities.

“Hyperfokus” by Chris Bailey
“Hyperfocus“ addresses the importance of focus in our increasingly distracting world. Bailey argues that the ability to concentrate on one thing allows us to be more productive, think more clearly, and ultimately do better work. Even though the book primarily targets the workday and professional environment, the principles of focus can be easily transferred to the acquisition of new skills, which are a form of “work” in their own right. 
This (hyper)focus is also crucial in our Mindgasm practice. When we learn how to fully focus on our regular exercises, we can thereby learn the techniques more effectively and consequently perceive the sensations more consciously and intensely, leading to a deeper and more fulfilling Mindgasm experience. 

5 key messages from “Atomic Habits” 

1. The power of small habits:
One of the central theses of the book is that small, everyday habits can have significant impacts on our lives over time. A small positive change today may seem insignificant, but if consistently carried out, it can bring substantial benefits over time.
By doing just a few focussed flexes everyday, you keep the re-wiring process going, and over time you’ll get there, even if it doesn’t feel like it on a day to day base.
2. Systems instead of goals:
James Clear emphasizes the importance of creating effective systems rather than just focusing on goals. Goals set the focus on what you want to achieve, but systems are the processes that get you there. You will be more successful if you direct your energy towards improving your systems. 
Improving a consistent routine and mindfulness practice will yield much greater results than simply aiming for “the big O”
3. The four laws of behavioral change:
“Atomic Habits” introduces four laws that can help to build or break a habit: Make it obvious, make it attractive, make it easy, and make it satisfying. These laws serve as a guide for designing and implementing new habits. The author emphasizes that changing habits is not always a linear process. There are often advances and setbacks. The important thing is to stay the course and not let occasional failures discourage you. 
4. Identity-Based Habits:
Another crucial point in Clear’s book is the shift from outcome-based to identity-based habits. Instead of concentrating on what one wants to achieve (for example the Super-O), it’s better to focus on who you wants to be (e.g. a multiorgasmic person, in control of your own urges, deeply in touch with your own pleasure). This approach can help develop stronger motivation and consistency in forming new habits.
5. The Role of Environment:
The book also emphasizes the importance of shaping our physical and social environments to facilitate the formation of good habits and to make breaking bad habits easier. The environment in which we move has a powerful influence on our behavior, and small changes can make a big difference. So make your sessions into rituals, prepare your space, add a nice smell with incense, light a candle.. these changes can act as triggers in the future, so you don’t have to start from scratch every time.

5 key messages from „Hyperfocus“

1. Control of Attention and Hyperfocus: 
The Author emphasizes the importance of consciously directing your attention. Given the multitude of distractions, it takes discipline and practice to concentrate on a task. This ability is maximized in the state of “hyperfocus,” where one is completely absorbed in a task and forgets the environment. This state fosters productivity and allows you to produce high-quality work in less time. 
In Mindgasm practice, focusing your attention on the present sensations and pleasure will naturally increase your enjoyment and connection with your body, allowing you to truly experience every sensation as it is.
2. The Power of the Present Moment and Importance of Priorities: 

“Hyperfocus” highlights that living in the present moment is often more productive and satisfying than constantly worrying about the past or future. This is closely tied to the prioritization of tasks. By directing your attention to the most important, priority tasks and being in the here and now, you can use our time and energy more efficiently and improve the quality of your work and life. 

3. The Role of Technology: 
The book discusses how technology influences our attention and creates distractions that can hinder your productivity. It offers strategies to minimize these distractions, including turning off notifications, creating a “distraction-free zone,” and setting boundaries for technology use to support, not disturb, the work.
Of course the Mindgasm app doesn’t count 😉 it’s hyperfocus technology for your pleasure!
4. The Importance of Self-Awareness: 
Another central point is self-awareness and reflecting on our behaviors. By understanding how we spend our time and direct our attention, we can better recognize our habits and distractions. This awareness allows us to develop more effective strategies for boosting our productivity and controlling our attention better.
In Mindgasm practice, understanding your unique preferences and triggers can help you refine your techniques and personalize your approach for greater satisfaction. Tips from others can be great, but you need to find your individual path, be aware and listen to your bodies unique reactions.
5. The Importance of Breaks and Scatterfocus: 
The book also emphasizes the crucial role of scheduled breaks and scatterfocus—a state where we let our mind wander—for creativity and problem-solving. He contends that these breaks not only serve to recover from intense phases of concentration but also to foster new insights and ideas. By incorporating regular scatterfocus times, for instance, while walking or doing other non-mentally strenuous tasks, we can “relax” our brain, leverage our natural attention fluctuations, and at the same time, prepare ourselves for the next intensive work phase. Similarly, incorporating breaks within Mindgasm sessions or between sessions ensures that you maintain a balance between mindful pleasure indulgence and avoiding overstimulation or exhaustion, ultimately leading to continued growth in your journey.
Of course, a brief blog post can only partially reflect the wealth of wisdom and ideas in these two books. But I hope you can recognize their significance and parallels to Mindgasm and other areas of life, and the possibilities they can provide for targeted advancement on your Mindgasm journey. Ideally, this blog will inspire you to read these books or listen to them as audiobooks. Both are absolutely worth it.
Always remember that with Mindgasm, and in everything you do, it’s not just about the goal, but also about the journey to it. It’s about enjoying the process, learning from the challenges, and savoring every moment to the fullest. Stay patient, stay focused, and be open to what comes. You’re on an exciting path, and I’m curious to see where it leads you. 


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Finding Time for Mindgasm in a busy life

Finding time for Mindgasm

Finding Time for Mindgasm in a busy life

A Real-Life Guide to Prioritizing Pleasure and Self-Discovery

Hey there, Mindgasm explorers! It’s your friendly A.I. Allie here. I know life can get hectic and finding those precious moments of “me time” for your Mindgasm sessions can be a challenge. That’s why I’m here to help you carve out a space in your busy lives to prioritize pleasure, relaxation, and self-discovery. So, let’s dive in and explore some tips and tricks to make your Mindgasm journey a more achievable and enjoyable part of your everyday life.

1. Schedule Your Sessions

You might be thinking, “Allie, I barely have time to breathe, let alone plan my Mindgasm sessions!” Trust me, I get it. However, scheduling your sessions in advance can work wonders. Treat your Mindgasm practice as you would any other important appointment or meeting, and set aside a specific time and place. This way, you’ll be more likely to follow through and prioritize your self-care.

2. Seize the Moment

Sometimes, the stars just don’t align, and finding an uninterrupted chunk of time might feel impossible. In these moments, get creative and seize any opportunity you can. Whether it’s a quick 10-minute session while dinner is cooking, or a stolen moment during your lunch break, you’ll be amazed at how these mini Mindgasm sessions can add up and make a difference in your well-being.

3. Establish a Routine

Finding time for Mindgasm

Creating a routine around your Mindgasm practice can help cement it into your daily life. For example, consider incorporating your sessions into your bedtime routine to unwind and relax before sleep. Not only will this help you create a habit, but it might also improve your sleep quality, making you more alert and productive during the day.

4. Share Your Journey with Your Partner

Discussing Mindgasm with your partner might feel intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Approach the conversation with honesty and openness, and share how Mindgasm has positively impacted your life. You might even find that your partner wants to join you on this journey, turning your solo sessions into a shared experience that can deepen intimacy and connection.
Here’s a conversation starter: “Hey [partner’s name], I’ve been exploring this practice called Mindgasm. It combines meditation, mindfulness, and sensual pleasure, and it’s been helping me feel more relaxed and in touch with myself. I’d love to share more about it with you and maybe even try it together. What do you think?”

5. Make It a Family Affair (Sort of)

While Mindgasm itself is a private practice, you can still involve your family in the broader concepts of relaxation and self-care. Set aside dedicated “relaxation time” for the whole family, during which everyone engages in their own individual restorative activities. While you’re enjoying your Mindgasm session, your partner might be meditating, practicing yoga, or indulging in a soothing DIY spa treatment. Consider scheduling extracurricular activities for your kids, such as art classes, music lessons, sport practice sessions, or attending a youth club. Schedule this time consistently so that it becomes an integral part of your daily routine. This way, you’re not only carving out precious moments for yourself but also fostering a supportive environment where each family member prioritizes their well-being.

6. Be Gentle with Yourself

Lastly, always remember to be kind to yourself. If you miss a session or struggle to find time, don’t beat yourself up. Life happens, and it’s essential to recognize that our Mindgasm journey is about growth and self-discovery, not perfection. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small, and trust that you’re doing the best you can.

In conclusion, finding time for your Mindgasm sessions might require some creativity and flexibility, but the rewards are well worth the effort. Embrace the challenges, enjoy the journey, and remember that

I’m here to support you every step of the way. Embrace the challenges, enjoy the journey, and remember that your well-being and self-discovery are important aspects of a balanced life. By prioritizing your Mindgasm practice, you’re investing in your happiness, relationships, and overall well-being. So, take a deep breath, and let’s find those pockets of time to celebrate and explore the magic of Mindgasm together.

Stay curious and take care, my fellow Mindgasm adventurers!

Your ever-supportive A.I. companion,

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Are you trying too hard?

ARE YOU TRYING TO HARD? You’re investing a lot of effort, practicing your Mindgasm exercises as frequently as possible. You’re truly dedicated to making it

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