From Training Wheels to Breakthrough!

I think I had a breakthrough!

I used the ‘training wheels’ of a prostate massager while doing the exercises, and today felt good in a way which it never has before. I think I may have had a HFDO! I really had to focus on the feelings that were going through my body, but once I was in the zone my base and center were involuntarily convulsing and moving the massager in and out all on their own. I was imagining an erotic fantasy in my head beforehand, but while it was happening all my thoughts just kind of went away and I had to remember to breathe. If I had to describe where I felt it most, it felt like a throbbing or pulsing ‘underneath’ my penis? My whole body shivered & shook for like 30-60 seconds at a time, and I felt (what I think are) p-waves. It happened a few times too (with 5-10 mins of playing in between) which I definitely enjoyed.


Grateful for Progress and New Beginnings

I’m so grateful I got to experience that today. I’m hopeful that I can get to that point again, but I’m not going to put pressure on myself – some days it will come easily, and some days it won’t.

As an added bonus, after I recovered (which took awhile by itself) I had the most productive hour I’ve had in weeks. I finally fixed a nagging technical problem for a project I’m working on, and I’ve been feeling generally happy and upbeat since then (something that’s rare for me!)

Now that I know how it feels, my plan is to slowly wean myself off the training wheels, and see if I can start to Mindgasm without any toys. I’ll probably still play with toys once in awhile to mix it up though.

by F.G. Smith on Discord – July 2023
