High Expectations and Disappointment
Story Time!! Even the best of us can forget our own advice and fall. Yesterday, I was primed for what I thought would be an amazing session. I was feeling the itch, I was doing chair flexes all day, I did a good leg workout out and at that point it had been 10 days of abstaining. I was ready I even decided to pull out my aneros for an added bit of fun. And you know what I experienced??? NOTHING!!
It was an absolute dud. It sucked. I barely got a few pulses. Nothing was happening. I was so prepared and ready. I started doubting myself, was it abstaining, was it too much apprehension, did I lose my abilities…..I was beating myself up over it. I stopped took a shower and relaxed, I remembered my own damn advice. Sometimes, the body and mind just don’t wanna work together for the day. Sometimes the body does a little rest/reset.
A New Attempt and Surprising Success

Breakthrough and Insight
I was getting some deep thrusting contractions. And then things really launched forward. Loud moaning, heavy contractions…..then BINGO!!! Super-o’s were making an appearance. Rock hard and leaking. Thrashing around on my bed, with a smile from ear to ear. The moral of the story, bad sessions happen to the best of us. And it is easy to forget that. I almost arrogantly was shocked I was having a bad session…..it’s been awhile since I’ve had one…..but they do happen.
I’m just glad that after some cooling down mentally because initially yesterday, my mind did spiral down into a pity party. Although I have had my bad moments, don’t let a bad session or a bad day get to you. Keep practicing, don’t dwell on it, and keep looking forward in your journey. No matter what happens, be happy for the moment….good or bad. It might just be a time for a little break! But your body always comes back to the pleasure side, just like riding a bike, your body does remember.
by Advanced Player – on Discord – April 2023