Forget about what I’ve experienced before, this is bigger than I thought!

This was 100% no THC, I haven’t had anything since last Friday night a week ago.  As the title says all my previous experiences of “success” might have been something else completely different. The last time about maybe having a super o, I began to question it a few weeks after experiencing. If you have to question it, then it wasn’t a super o. On the contrary, I believe what I had was what aneros calls intense clamping but without pleasure. I’m not sure why I got the full body tingling but it’s possible since I was hyperventilating that I was making myself lightheaded? The reason I questioned it was because while feeling good, I didn’t feel pleasure. So onto last night’s breakthrough.

Pleasure Without Toys: Insights on P-Waves, Visualization, and New Sensations

These past few weeks I have been experimenting without toys. I have noticed that if I do all the things without a toy in that I do while I have a toy in, I got greater pleasure. Almost like the toy was blocking something for me at least. I’ve also started down the path of doing nothing as much as I thought it wouldn’t work at all and have seen some interesting results. Ask me about visualization. Every now and then, also with toys in, I’ve felt something building. In fact, I always thought “somethings coming” and it would shortly fade, I was probably sub-consciously chasing when I thought that. Reading some recent posts, I believe these are what p-waves are because it starts to build through your whole body, almost like numbness and warmth.

Avoiding video porn, using images.

Yesterday I was looking at a porn photo because in a video there’s so much going on and you can’t focus on it unless you pause. I suggest some people who are struggling with watching porn to try that, that way you can remember that one picture that turned you on a lot and think about that while stimulating your nipples.  I noticed that there was a heartbeat in my pelvis. I did my thing and got to that building something but this time I just blanked my mind and breathed. I got a sensation in my pelvis/prostate that I’ve only experienced while on edibles. It was like a tingly tapping. Could almost be a vibration on my prostate. Like not too fast but faster than I could physically flex those muscles, think physically someone tap tap tap tap tap taping but constant. But with as light as it felt, the intensity for me mentally was bam bam bam bam bam bam! This too faded after a while, and I took a break but still looked at porn now and again. Sorry for this being so long, you’re almost there though.

Bigger than I thought!

Fast forward to bedtime I was laying there and horny and said why not. This is where I realized this is bigger than I thought. Ever since I got to that point that I only experienced on my first-time using THC with the tapping, if I thought about it or touched my nipples, I could feel it along with the normal tingling I get from touching my nipples. This was like 3 hours. If I didn’t think about it, it wasn’t there. So, with that tapping I noticed that I could move it in more if I relaxed a bit more from the base of my penis to the urethra behind my sac. Wow it felt intense and a little bit of pain/discomfort, but in a good way like your first time using a toy.  


This is pleasant!

I relaxed, stopped moving everything but my fingers on my nipples and slowly breathing. That’s when I felt the p-wave or numbness building. Every breath I let out, it felt like fluid was seeping out my tip. And that numbness turned into heat, my hearing goes a little quieter but not muffled. And the tingles, oh man the tingles. They were always nice, but these ones were more like needles that they were so much more intense, but they felt way better than nice. This warmth spread through my entire body and would go up a tiny bit with each breath and each time I felt that seeping feeling or a half the size of a marble on my prostate that was also very needly. It didn’t feel like sexual penile pleasure, but it did feel like a different kind of pleasure. I remember smiling and thinking “this is pleasant” For those of you further along, is this how you’d describe a p-wave?

If this is just a p-wave then this whole thing is way bigger than I thought. And we’re all in for a wild ride. Sorry this is so long.  I hope the experience grows and the p-waves as well ideally.

by Journeyman_07 on Reddit – October 2024
