The "I do what I don't want to do - Day"
Hello my friend,
We all know them… those jobs and tasks we always put off. The mere thought of having to deal with them often seems even more uncomfortable than finally tackling them… And this discomfort: turns us into masters of delay.
Unfortunately, ignoring these tasks can cause a permanent underlying sense of unrest and it’s easy to overlook the significant amount of energy we expend delaying them. Ever-present in the background, these tasks constantly nag at us. In simpler words: They Are…Annoying to no end!
A Day of Challenge
What if you turn the tables and dedicate an entire day to tackling the tasks you’d prefer to avoid? Let’s call it the “I Do What I Don’t Want To Do” day. On this day, your mission is to complete as many of these tasks as possible. There is only one simple rule: Whenever the thought pops up: “I don’t feel like doing this”, that’s your cue to take action.

Kickstart Your Day

Confronting Work Challenges
Or you might even dedicate this day to confront that ultimate chore you absolutely dread and keep pushing off forever. Something like doing your taxes, the kind of task you can’t stand even thinking about. But today, just grit your teeth and do it! It will be hard, but once it’s done, the sense of liberation is priceless. You’ll probably even wonder why you let it hang over you for so long.
After work: Netflix or Exercise? Today, you know the answer!

Taking Control
Here’s to a productive day! You’ll thank yourself later 🙂

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