Rewiring Your Brain

In this write-up I will be going over what rewiring is on a basic level, the neurological science of rewiring, how it plays into mindgasm, the Source and the sweetspot, and what you can do to speed up the process. I will be using the terms rewiring and neuroplasticity, which are basically two different terms for the same thing.
Our brain is essentially a web of billions upon billions of wires, called neurons, that function by transporting information using electrical signals, and transforming that information on the way from an input (our 5 senses, or memory) to an output (an action we take). Essentially, all of the neurons in our spine and brain perform these functions of transforming input to output in some way.
Our brains are not static, they transform all the time, as we learn new skills like learning an instrument or learning to drive a car. Essentially our brains are adapting, building new information pathways and processing mechanisms as they are required.

In terms of our senses, there are areas of our bodies that our brains have perceived to be very important to receive information from, and as such the brain increases the capacity for information being transported from those senses that are seen as important. How this applies to the mindgasm and the Source is that commonly, the capacity for the brain to process signals from the penis/clitoris, is very well developed, simply because we have been reinforcing this pathway again and again by continuing to use it. Conversely, looking at the Source (prostate/g-spot), these pathways have been used far less, or maybe even not at all for many years, decades or the entire life.
So the brain is not set up to process all of those impulses efficiently, and a lot of effort is necessary to transport even small bits of information.
Essentially, to quote The Conductor, the wiring for the penis/clitoris is like a highway, and the wiring for the sweetspot is like an old dirt road. When we start our journey with mindgasm we are attempting to put a highway load of traffic over that dirt road. As a result at first a lot of the information is lost, and we aren’t experiencing much pleasure.


Scientifically, the capacity of the brain to rewire is called neuroplasticity. The capacity for neuroplasticity will differ from person to person, but there are patterns to be observed. For instance, children from the age of 0 to 7 have their neuroplasticity levels supercharged. They learn new languages from scratch without reference points, absorb all information around them like a sponge, and learn new skills at seriously fast speeds. After the age of 7, our brains capacity for neuroplasticity starts to degrade, and this continues until we die. This is why older people have more trouble remembering things and learning new skills.
Does that mean that as we get older, the rewiring process will take longer? Yes and no. Although our natural capacity for neuroplasticity, rewiring your brain, degrades over time, there are dietary options and behavioral changes we can make to increase our capacity for neuroplasticity and keep our brains supple and young. Even if our capacity for neuroplasticity has already significantly degraded over the years, these methods can help reinvigorate the brain.
1. Cacao
Cacao has been proven to promote neuroplasticity when taken in high doses. Eat lots of chocolate daily, the purer the better. Avoid chocolates high in sugar. If you can, the recommendation would be to only consume ceremonial grade cacao(100% pure, unprocessed cacao paste)

Blueberries have also been proven to boost neuroplasticity. Eat lots of blueberries, drink juices with blueberries in them. Daily is best.

3. Mushrooms
Gourmet mushrooms are great to support the health of the brain. Eating mushrooms from organic sources is really good for you. Avoid mushrooms imported from china, since they are a spunge for contaminants, and you may get a lot of bad chemicals in your body by eating mushrooms from unclean sources. The Lionsmane mushroom is especially good at promoting neuroplasticity, however lionsmane works better in lower doses.

4. Fish
Eat lots of fish. The oils in fish are very healthy for the brain and contain
vitamin d.

5. Ketogens
By fasting, your body will start burning fat, releasing ketogens in your bloodstream. Ketogens drastically promote brain health and neuroplasticity. You can do intermittent fasting by not consuming food or drinks high in sugar or fat like soda and milk) for at least 16 hours a day.
Or you can do a 1 or 2 day waterfast where you consume nothing but water.
Ketogenic or carnivore diets: by eating 0 carbs in your diet, and replacing them with fat, your body will always be in fat burning mode. Because of this your body will always be providing ketogens, increasing brain health and neuroplasticity.

1. Meditate daily: Meditation is great at building neuroplasticity because it is both a learning of a new skill when you’re just starting off, as well as a way to give your brain some rest. Learning new skills is an application of neuroplasticity and the rewiring process, and like training a muscle, the more you train your capacity to rewire, the easier it will come.
2. Learn a new skill: Learn a musical instrument, a programming language, something that is hard and takes skill. By rewiring your brain into the capacity of performing this new skill you train your brain to be more capable in doing the rewiring process again.
3. Sunbathe at least 20 minutes a day. Vitamin D is very important to brain health, and the best way to gain vitamin d is by giving yourself some sun. Besides that it’s just a very relaxing activity.

4. Work out regularly. Working out is both an activity of learning a new skill as well as burning fat which both are great for the brains rewiring capacity
5. Do menial tasks in ways you’re not used to. If you’re righthanded brush your teeth with your left hand, if you always put your right leg first when starting to walk, start with your left leg instead. This will feel weird which is exactly the point, this is also kind of learning a new skill because you’re doing things in ways you’re not used to. This will be a rewiring on its own, and as you know by now, rewiring promotes the capacity to rewire.
6. Consistent sleeping pattern. Going to sleep consistently at the same time every day, and waking up at the same time every day, while going to sleep sober is very important to give your brain the rest it needs. Additionally waking up early gives your brain and hormone balance a boost, by allowing yourself more daylight and sun. By resting properly it can work harder towards the change you wan’t to see. You wouldn’t try to learn to drive a car tired or hung over, so don’t try to change yourself tired or hung over.
“Rewiring your brain” is a process of our neuroplasticity applied. It is a process that takes time, as our brain adapts to building new pathways to process new information. With Mindgasm we may start feeling nothing and slowly build up to dry o’s and even that legendary super o. As we get older our capacity to rewire our brains degrades, but we can take control of our brains capacity to rewire, re-invigorate, and speed up the process. All in all, give yourself the time and space you need, be patient, your brain is adapting, if not quickly then slowly, and you will get there.
– Limitless –
Scientific Studies
- “The Dynamic Human Brain” by Michael M. Merzenich (2013)
- “Neuroplasticity: Changes in grey matter induced by training” by Bogdan Draganski et al. (2004)
- “Neuroplasticity and Clinical Practice: Building Brain Power for Health” by Joyce Shaffer (2016)
Meditation and brain health:
- “The underlying anatomical correlates of long-term meditation: Larger hippocampal and frontal volumes of gray matter” by Eileen Luders et al. (2009)
- “Alterations in brain and immune function produced by mindfulness meditation” by John F. Sheridan et al. (2003)
Learning new skills and neuroplasticity:
- “Training-Induced Structural Changes in the Adult Human Brain” by Arne May (2011)
- “Experience-dependent plasticity of white-matter microstructure extends into old age” by Jan Scholz et al. (2009)
Sun exposure and vitamin D:
- “Benefits and requirements of vitamin D for optimal health: a review” by Michael F. Holick (2005)
- “Vitamin D and the skin: Focus on a complex relationship: A review” by Jean-Claude Lefèvre et al. (2014)
Exercise and brain health:
- “Exercise and the brain: something to chew on” by Henriette van Praag (2009)
- “Exercise builds brain health: key roles of growth factor cascades and inflammation” by Carl W. Cotman et al. (2007)
Diet and neuroplasticity:
- “Dietary flavanols and procyanidin oligomers from cocoa (Theobroma cacao) inhibit platelet function” by Catherine Kwik-Uribe et al. (2000)
- “Blueberries improve or delay short term memory loss” by Robert Krikorian et al. (2010)
- “Reduction of depression and anxiety by 4 weeks Hericium erinaceus intake” by Nagano et al. (2010)
- “Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids and the brain: a review of the independent and shared effects of EPA, DPA and DHA” by Simon C. Dyall (2015)
- “Ketogenic Diets and Cognitive Function: Emerging Evidence from Animal and Human Studies” by Pinto et al. (2020)
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