Harnessing the power of patience and focus

Hello my friend,
Today, I want to draw your attention to some crucial aspects of the Mindgasm journey:
- patience
- the importance of steady progress
- the power of focused attention.
Book recommendations
In this context, I would like to recommend two books to you, which can help you unlock your full Mindgasm potential by building habits and sharpening your focus when learning the techniques. The principles described apply not only to Mindgasm but also to the learning of other skills.
“Atomic Habits” by James Clear
The first book, “Atomic Habits” by James Clear, conveys the concept of steady and continuous improvement in establishing new habits. Clear emphasizes that it’s not always about big, dramatic changes. Instead, small but consistent improvements – just 1% per day – can lead to amazing results.
This is particularly relevant to our Mindgasm practice. It’s about dedicating ourselves to practice regularly, intending to get a little bit better each time to ultimately master our Mindgasm abilities.

“Hyperfocus“ addresses the importance of focus in our increasingly distracting world. Bailey argues that the ability to concentrate on one thing allows us to be more productive, think more clearly, and ultimately do better work. Even though the book primarily targets the workday and professional environment, the principles of focus can be easily transferred to the acquisition of new skills, which are a form of “work” in their own right.
5 key messages from “Atomic Habits”
One of the central theses of the book is that small, everyday habits can have significant impacts on our lives over time. A small positive change today may seem insignificant, but if consistently carried out, it can bring substantial benefits over time.
By doing just a few focussed flexes everyday, you keep the re-wiring process going, and over time you’ll get there, even if it doesn’t feel like it on a day to day base.
James Clear emphasizes the importance of creating effective systems rather than just focusing on goals. Goals set the focus on what you want to achieve, but systems are the processes that get you there. You will be more successful if you direct your energy towards improving your systems.
Improving a consistent routine and mindfulness practice will yield much greater results than simply aiming for “the big O”
“Atomic Habits” introduces four laws that can help to build or break a habit: Make it obvious, make it attractive, make it easy, and make it satisfying. These laws serve as a guide for designing and implementing new habits. The author emphasizes that changing habits is not always a linear process. There are often advances and setbacks. The important thing is to stay the course and not let occasional failures discourage you.
Another crucial point in Clear’s book is the shift from outcome-based to identity-based habits. Instead of concentrating on what one wants to achieve (for example the Super-O), it’s better to focus on who you wants to be (e.g. a multiorgasmic person, in control of your own urges, deeply in touch with your own pleasure). This approach can help develop stronger motivation and consistency in forming new habits.
The book also emphasizes the importance of shaping our physical and social environments to facilitate the formation of good habits and to make breaking bad habits easier. The environment in which we move has a powerful influence on our behavior, and small changes can make a big difference. So make your sessions into rituals, prepare your space, add a nice smell with incense, light a candle.. these changes can act as triggers in the future, so you don’t have to start from scratch every time.
5 key messages from „Hyperfocus“
In Mindgasm practice, focusing your attention on the present sensations and pleasure will naturally increase your enjoyment and connection with your body, allowing you to truly experience every sensation as it is.
“Hyperfocus” highlights that living in the present moment is often more productive and satisfying than constantly worrying about the past or future. This is closely tied to the prioritization of tasks. By directing your attention to the most important, priority tasks and being in the here and now, you can use our time and energy more efficiently and improve the quality of your work and life.
Of course the Mindgasm app doesn’t count 😉 it’s hyperfocus technology for your pleasure!
In Mindgasm practice, understanding your unique preferences and triggers can help you refine your techniques and personalize your approach for greater satisfaction. Tips from others can be great, but you need to find your individual path, be aware and listen to your bodies unique reactions.
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